Online Courses and Student Success Webinar Critique

    Part 2 : Webinar or Online Conference Attendance – You must research and provide a description or website to your professor for a webinar or online conference that you will attend. you must attend and then write a critique of this webinar or online conference which will be graded

    Week one online webinar: Please go online below to register and listen to the webinar. before writing this critique. Paper is based strictly from this live webinar.

    Online Courses and Student Success Webinar

    Online Courses and Student Success Webinar
    Date: July 13, 2016 – 01:00pm – 02:00pm (ET)

    Use online webinar as reference as well as attached articles, and text book from previous paper

    Required Textbooks References

    Title: Great Webinars

    Author: Clay, Cynthia (2012)

    Publisher: Pfeiffer Publishing

    ISBN: ISBN-10: 1118205448

    Title: Powerful Techniques for Teaching Adults

    Author: Brookfield, Stephen (2013)

    Publisher: Jossey-Bass

    ISBN: ISBN-10: 1118017005

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