Online class size

    Online class size

    With the growth in demand for online learning and enrollments, many institutions of higher learning are attempting to address the demand for online courses through increased class sizes and a variety of instructional strategies (Power & Gould-Morven, 2011; Morrison, 2015). 

    As the class sizes have increased, faculty are also looking at how to develop innovative and different strategies for meeting the needs of not only the large-class size but also the learner. See Does Class Size Matters 

    These strategies come in all types of forms and are evolving into best practices for online learning success. Describe five (5) strategies you would incorporate in a large online class to increase social and instructor presence and the incorporate situated learning strategies. Describe and explain. (Six citations minimum – more is better). 

    You must CITE academic research articles and/or research studies and use examples where appropriate to support your answers (All papers will be submitted to to check for original work and no plagiarism of works and/or other students’ papers) 

    Each response must have a minimum of six (6) references (not counting the ones shared in the question) that you locate to support your answer. The more you have the better you support your answer. You must also reference the links provided, if you decide to use them. (I found some research articles. I listed them in references. Please check and read them as well very carefully) 


    Braga, J., Gunter, G. & Carneiro, M. (2015). Strategies for large class sizes in online and virtual learning environments. In D. Rutledge & D. Slykhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE 2015–Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 195-198). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from 

    Research must be cited throughout your answers (APA style) and in a reference page at the end of paper. 

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