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    Paper instructions:
    To whomever gets the bid on this, I have worked really hard all semester to receive straight A’s. Only reason why i’m doing this is because i’m so slammed with my new job. I have created a research paper outline all you have to do is build off of this…. 2 areas I would like included are issues around piracy and data mining. Other than that this should be straight forward. This is super important to me please only take the job if you can finish it professionally in time.
    For this assignment, you will write a 2,000-3,000 word research paper that explores media. You will begin by choosing an “artifact:” movies, television shows, radio, books, magazines, newspapers, video games, music, photography, advertisements, etc., paying close attention to how they reflect issues such as age, race, gender, class, religion, politics, ethics, violence, media effects (or another approved topic). You will then use this artifact as a jumping off point for your research. The media artifact might play a major role in your paper, it may become one of your sources, or it may not be mentioned at all. How you use it is up to you. This is not a report, and it is definitely not a movie review. The intention of this assignment is not to simply gather information, but to form an argument and provide a new understanding of the topic.
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    Your paper should:
    • Not be a report, but an argument that creates a new understanding.
    • Be well-organized, with a clearly stated thesis that is threaded throughout.
    • Have a clear introduction and conclusion.
    • Have concise, focused paragraphs with meaningful transitions.
    • Be based on high-quality research from at least 7-10 scholarly sources. (This is super important, I can give you access to my University’s library for you to find real scholarly sources – my professor is a stickler for this)
    • Include a reference page in APA format. (mandatory)
    • Represent your strongest writing: proper syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
    For example: I recently read an interesting article about the television show CSI and how it is disseminating knowledge of forensics that has been impacting jury trials. My questions going into a paper on this topic might be: How does CSI affect jury trials? Why does it affect them? And more importantly, SO WHAT? If I stopped at how and why, I would simply be writing a report, regurgitating the information I gathered from my sources. The crux of the paper is the so what – the synthesis of this information into an argument. What are the ramifications of this for the criminal justice system? Is this something to be embraced or avoided? Is CSI actually affecting society, or is it simply reflecting it? What is the result on the viewer?
    The deliverables:
    Submission of your paper – 2,000-3,000 words plus an APA-formatted reference page.
    The paper should define your topic and its significance, describe your exploration and any conclusions you wish to make (with evidence, of course), and any unresolved questions you or others may have
    The reference page may include items added since the proposal, and you may also discover that items you cited in your proposal are not as relevant as you thought and shouldn’t be included. Your reference page should include at least 7-10 DIFFERENT items. (VERY IMPORTANT)
    Resources for Your Research Project
    Purdue OWL Writing a Research Paper Literature Review Sample Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing

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