On-Time Technology Products recognizes that they should do more to connect wit

    On-Time Technology Products recognizes that they should do more to connect with customers after a sale.

    Assume you work in the On-Time Technology Products call center in Dayton Ohio. A customer calls in and has a complaint about the quality on a digital timer
    for the kitchen that she bought last year at her local OTTC retailer. She does not have a receipt and never filled out the warranty card from the manufacturer.

    The customer says %u201CI am very dissatisfied with the digital timer. On several occasions the alarm didn%u2019t go off. The final straw was last week when
    I hosted a party and all the food got burned in the oven.%u201D

    OTTC has a strict 60-day return policy with the receipt. All OTTC products come with a one-year warranty provided by the manufacturer. Customers should
    immediately fill out a warranty card with a proof of purchase that they should mail to the manufacturer. Customers trying to return used OTTC products
    purchased on other company websites like ebay.com have become a frequent occurrence.

    Beyond maintaining a technical support line between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. they have done little else in the customer support area.

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