omparing and contrasting at least TWO of the productions you saw during the term

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    A 5-8 page paper, (double spaced, no larger than 12-point font) comparing and contrasting at least TWO of the productions you saw during the term. The focus of the paper should be identifying the intention of the playwright, and analyzing whether or not the specific production did or did not achieve that intention for you as an audience member. The paper is NOT a review of the production(s).
    Be sure to use specific examples from the prod
    uction to support your points, and if at all possible, evaluate the production on the basis of all 3 of the aspects of theater we’ve discussed during the term (performance and direction, audience experience, and design and production).
    production : Water by the Spoonful, by Quiara Alegrîa Hudes ;  Dancing at Lughnasa, by Brian Friel;  The Lady from the Sea, by Henrik Ibsen;

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