observational Analysis

    COM100: Observational Analysis Select a movie or television show (reality shows are allowed) and write a four page observational analysis of the interpersonal, impersonal and / or intrapersonal communication interactions that you observe between the various characters. As the basis of your analysis you are required to incorporate any 20 key terms found in chapters 4, 8, 9 & 10 of your textbook. Your introduction should include a brief synopsis of the plot (one paragraph maximum), and the remaining 3 ¾ pages should focus on the communication interactions of the characters that you observe. Keep in mind that this paper is an observational analysis of human communication that is akin to a “people watching” exercise as opposed to a movie critique (I’m interested in your ability to analyze communication interaction as opposed to describing plot, evaluating entertainment value, evaluating acting ability, etc.).

    You may choose to analyze just one scene or several scenes depending on how much detail you are able to extract, however, be sure to make it clear to me as the reader if and when a scene shift occurs. In addition to meeting the term requirement, your paper will be graded according to the depth of your analysis (i.e. descriptive detail that you are able to provide in support of your claims / observations).

    Weak Example: “John used proxemics and haptics to express his frustration, which made his girlfriend Michaela upset.” Such a statement does not demonstrate that you understand what these terms mean.

    Strong Example: “Without ever saying a word, John used proxemic communication to express his frustration by briskly walking out of the room as his girlfriend Michaela walked in. In addition, as he exited the room he employed haptic communication by slamming the door behind him which indicated that he was not only frustrated but extremely angry. It was obvious that he made his point because Michaela became visibly upset and began to cry hysterically.”

    Building on he above scene you could add even more depth to your analysis by applying additional key concepts such as but not limited to descriptions of paralanguage, self-esteem, attachment styles, problem solving strategies, relationship deterioration, relational dialectics, self-serving bias, empathy, etc., in order to expand the breadth and depth of your observations made of this interaction.

    Keep in mind that redundancy does not increase either the depth of your analysis and therefore once you have demonstrated your understanding of a particular term / concept it serves no additional purpose to continuously provide examples for that particular term.

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