
    Interventions associated with amiodarone therapy in Aterial fibrilation in a cardiac paitent
    Project description
    PLEASE: )( only 2000 words)))(( based on paitent in critical care unit))))
    My essay should start about case report:: Mr patel( please mention name changed for confidentiality), a 67-years old male patient who came from theatre to intensive care unit after uncomplicated CABG x 3 . Past history of the paitent : T2DM ,HTN,Hypercholestrolaemia.
    Paitent is paced AAI100bpm ,Underlying Rhythem checked , shows ectopics , ECG done off pacing shows Aterial fibrillation . First day after the surgery and Bp is unstable,on inotropic support, sedated, ventilated , PICCO inserted , Good CO , Good CI , ABG is normal but potassium was 4.3 which I replaced it with 20mmol of KCL , magnesium in lab result was 0.98 which I replaced with 10mmol of magnesium .( write about the importancy of normal electrolyte ,k & mg in cardiac function please.)
    TOE done to role out blood clot but we find out heart muscle edematous so Cardioversion not done.
    Then commence to give Amiodarone 300mg loading dose followed by 900mg maintenance . Paitent back to SR the day after.
    In my essay , I should focus on amiodarone as a rate control drug in AF treatment and nursing observation and intervention should be discussed.
    Please use NICE guidelines for Aterial fibrillation and also a book called Critical care nursing , learning from practice edited by Suzanne bench and Kate Brown
    Also,in my essay in conclusion is good to say : recommendation for practice or strategy for improvement
    1- Use Arial font, size 12
    2- Don’t use bold ,italic and underline in my essay,except for heading
    3- Double spacing between lines
    4- Double space between paragraphs
    5- No indents for a new paragraph
    6- Quotations over 40 words in length should be laid out as a separate paragraph and indented.
    7- left justify my work
    8- leave 3cm margin
    9- Header ( on each page ) ; student ID number( 1205925 ) and module code ( CAC 5/6005Y )
    10- Footer ( on each page ); page number centre
    11- Place appendices after the refrence list
    12- Write my essay title on top of the first page , Do not put any other title page in with your work.
    13 – word limit is 2000 words
    14- Harvard referencing( Cite them Right)
    15 – very very important :: my essay is about nursing interventions in Aterial fibrillation

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