NUR 3321 Health Promotion – Paper II

    Paper II is designed to challenge explore one strategy to address a population health issue: patient/family education.
    This intervention must be community-specific. See Moodle course page for paper template and grading rubric.
    Paper Content Grade
    Building on Paper I and the agency presented, select one relevant health promotion issue addressed by the
    agency that will serve as the focus for the community-specific health promotion teaching.
    Examples: American Diabetes Association (Foot Care), American Lung Association (Smoking Cessation),
    American Cancer Society (Colorectal Cancer Screening)
    Introduction (Paper)
    ? Set the stage for your reader
    ? Provide a brief overview of the entire paper
    ? Touch on each content area
    ? Estimated length: one substantive paragraph
    Health Promotion Issue and Agency (Paper)
    ? Provide data/statistics specific to the issue to be addressed by the teaching intervention. (For example,
    in Paper I cancer in general may have been presented. This paper may focus on colorectal cancer.)
    ? Minimum of three references for this section
    ? Estimated length one to two substantive paragraphs that help the reader understand the scope of this
    specific issue and how the agency is involved.
    Community-Specific Health Promotion Teaching (Paper)
    ? Teaching product construction
    ? Define target population
    ? Determine the education level appropriate for your target population
    ? For the purposes of this assignment we will construct a product in English. However, please
    address whether or not you would consider constructing the pamphlet in other languages based on
    the target audience.
    ? Assess and report the reading level of your pamphlet. There are some tools for doing so in your
    textbook (pages 516-519). There are also some free assessment tools on line like the Flesch Grade
    Level Calculator:
    ? Plan for disseminating teaching product
    ? There are any number of options for disseminating your product and no specific right answer
    (health fairs, schools, physician clinics, etc.). Help the reader understand why your plan matches
    your target audience.
    ? Minimum of three references for this section
    ? Estimated length three to four substantive paragraphs that help the reader understand your rationale for
    teaching product construction and dissemination
    Conclusion (Paper)
    ? Analyze and synthesize the information in the paper
    ? Touch on each content area
    ? Estimated length: one substantive paragraph
    Mechanics (Paper)
    ? Appropriate spelling/grammar
    ? Paper formatted appropriately (use template provided)
    ? APA references (both in-text and on reference list) appropriate
    ? 3-5 references (5 for maximum credit)
    Patient-Education Material (Pamphlet/Brochure)
    ? A range of formats are acceptable. Explore teaching products in your healthcare facility/clinic. Select a
    format (single page, bi-fold, tri-fold, etc.) that you believe would be attractive to the target audience
    ? Teaching material should be attractive with appropriate use of white-space, text and images
    ? Does not use copyrighted images
    ? Appropriate spelling/grammar
    ? 3-5 references included
    NUR 3321 Health Promotion – Paper II

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