Novel: Response to Kafka on the Shore

    Unit VII: Novel


    Unit VII: Schedule
    Read Kafka on the Shore, keeping your understanding of Postmodernism in mind.

    Paper #8: Novel

    Kafka on the Shore

    Kafka on the Shore (full text .pdf format)

    Write a one page, single spaced response to Kafka on the Shore. Please approach the text from a postmodern perspective, meaning that you will read the novel through a postmodern lense, or look for elements/themes of postmodernism.
    ***This is short, but this paper is difficult. The topic is vague and open ended topic. You should carve out a question of your own to make this interesting. Don’t give me plot summary. Rather, you should find a key moment in the text, or a theme, or something about the novel that struck you as interesting, boring, happy, sad, etc. Write about the one thing that stood out and engage this in your response (using direct quotes, of course).
    Upload your work in Microsoft only. 12 point font
    Type in Calibri or roman times.
    All works must be cited.

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