North Korea

    North Korea

    Select a topic that you find interesting. It could be related to your degree pursuits, your job, or something that interests you in general. Go into the library link and find an article in the Proquest data base and an article in the EBSCO web data base related to the topic you selected. Also also search for a related article using a commonly available search engine such as Google or Yahoo. In a 2 – 3 page essay discuss the following: 1. Integrate the three articles into an overall discussion of the topic describing what you learned from the three articles. Which article did you find more informative and why? 2. Discuss and describe the kind of articles or web pages provided by the three search engines. Did the search engine provide peer reviewed articles? …Newspaper articles? …Governmental sources? …Other? 3. In which situations would you find each of the search engines most useful? Assignment Expectations: 1. Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length and written using APA formatting style. 2. You should properly cite and reference the background sources you discuss.



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