nonconsequential theories

    nonconsequential theories

    Paper instructions:
    We add the nonconsequential theories in Chapters 5-8 to the focus we had in module 1. Chapter 5 looks at the thinking of Immanuel Kant and asks us to consider ethics relative to motive. Chapter 6 looks at issues of natural law (we think of natural law primarily as human rights). Try not to confuse natural law with “the law of nature”. Here is your chance to show how much you have learned relative to nonconsequential thinking by discussing the ethical issues involved in capital punishment and other criminal sanctions. The following suggestions will help you get full credit for the essay.

    Do you think that the deterrence perspective provides an adequate justification for the death penalty? Explain your position. Why or why not? What evidence, if any, can you present to support your view? Do you think that the perspective of retribution is a compelling approach to capital punishment? Why or why not? Finally, what is your view on capital punishment, explain your position. Be sure to show how retribution and deterrence are seen in light of the theories from our first 9 chapters. (700-2000 words)

    Employ ethical concerns and values as you examine each of the questions. Be sure to consider relativism, natural law, utilitarianism, and Kantian thought in each of your essays



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