Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership Philosophy

    I am required to write a one page single spaced paper on U.S. Army Non-Commissioned Officers Leadership Philosophy. This essay is suppose to discribe my own leadership philosophy. My leadership style is being very understanding and supportive. I expect senior NCO’s to accomplish there assigned mission to the best of there ability. I am a firm believer that if you plan ahead and do your due diligence you can accomplish must of everything. I believe communications is vital and a a must for success. I also believe that rewarding success is paramount when it comes to motivating Soldiers. I don’t like to reward failure, but if a sincere effort was made I like to acknowledge those efforts. I love competition and a competive enviroment which is motivated by rewards. These are some of my leadership traits. You can get a feel for the type of leader I am. I love working with Soldiers and helping them solve problems. Please take this information and add to it as you deem necessary. I would appreciate if I could have this one page memo if you would in 24 hours. I require this essay as a word document. Thank you.

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