Newspaper article analysis

    this is the link to the newspaper article.

    the quality of the paper is the utmost important task. (content + grammar)


    Writing New Analyses:

    There are four contemporary topics discussed in this course: political institutions, the political economy of development, the state and society, and foreign policy. At the end of each topic, you are expected to find related news (within the past 6 months) and provide informed and educated analysis.

    -Word limit:

    Ideally, your news analysis will be within 400 words (500 as absolute limit either in English or in French).
    -Structure of news analysis

    1st paragraph: summarize the news (be concise!)
    2nd paragraph: elaborate your takeaway from the news and connect it with course materials.
    -Note: use reference to specify news source and facts to support your statements

    -Submission: by Midnight on Due date to Discussion Forum on MyCourse

    What are expected in the news assignment:


    Further Tips of writing news commentary:

    1. Introduction

    Summarize the news (keep it brief!). Provide any contextual information necessary to the understanding of the news.

    Tip: Find key subjects and objects of the news; understand their relations within context;

    2. Analysis

    Your opinion/takeaway must unfold quickly. Focus on one issue or idea, briefly express your opinion in your opening sentence, and be clear and confirmed in your viewpoint. The following sentences should back your viewpoint with factual, researched, or first-hand information.

    A good commentary is not just an opinion; it consists of fact put into well-informed context (always make references!).

    Sample News Commentary: (276 words) published on Dec 27, 2013. New York Post

    Subject: "Egypt military brands Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists"


    In Egypt, an Arab Spring began on Cairo?s Tahrir Square and saw the election and then the deposing of a Muslim Brotherhood government has just come full circle. This week, Egypt?s Army-backed government formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and stepped up its brutal crackdown. [NOTE:This is the summary of the news. You need to insert footnote here for reference to news source]

    We shed no tears for the Brotherhood. Mohammed Morsi may have been democratically elected, but his Brotherhood-backed regime could hardly have been mistaken for a democracy. Political opponents were suppressed; the economy collapsed; and the ancient Coptic Christian community was subjected to an ongoing campaign of murder and repression. [NOTE: You need to make references to facts]

    The question is where to go from here. At the moment, things seem to be back to the days of Hosni Mubarak, when enemies were suppressed ? along with democrats. He, too, had real enemies, and used them as an excuse to rule under a ?state of emergency? for most of his time in office. In the long run, that paved the way for the chaos we now see. [Note: You need to make references to facts to support your statement]

    One thing we do know: Ordinary Egyptians will not be served by anarchy and civil war. Of all the bad choices, the only one with any chance for a better future is one where the army succeeds in restoring basic law and order and denying the Islamists control of the Arab world?s most populous nation.

    Maybe then, Egyptians might have a government confident enough to avoid the mistakes of both its predecessors by opening to legitimate dissent. But surely not until then.

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