News report presentation

    Topic: News report presentation

    Order Description

    presentation will be 5 minutes for introduction- summary- critique
    and 5 minutes for class discussion

    -please first read the attached file (Details of assessment)
    – please write brief outline(dot points)
    – I already have chosen my news (Arab speakers ‘ignore their own language’) this is the link
    – in the Critique section: the teachers asked me to analyse the news report. He want my critigue make referense to the theories , concepts, and major scholary works discussed in our topic thats why I attached the file bellow ‘English as a destructive language’ I have taken it from the book that we studying
    please I want you to argue that English is destructive language and connect your argument with the key concept: Linguistic Imperialism and Linguicism and the key concept:Gatekeeping Function of English.
    Also, He want my critique section make refrence to my own independent research so I want u please support my argument by using some information in this news as an independent research(Embrace English … without losing Arab identity) here is the link:

    – (in the 3 questions for the class to discuss) sections I want u to reform and correct the structure and gramatical mistakes please and include it to the other two questions
    – if you were in their situation will u speak in English or would prefer to speak in your native language ?why?
    – at the end of the presentation I want u to say that I agree that English is global language and has very important role otherwise I wouldnt be here doing my presentation in English and studing my master degree in tesol to go back teach student english .However, I think all people should be proud of their native languge and try to make it global language because it represent their culture and identity, and use English in situations were really needed.needed. Emprace English without losing your identity

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