Networking Interview – EDIT

    Please proof read the paper… Some of the sentences are way too long (run-on) and please ensure that the
    following questions are addressed in the paper:
    Please think for a minute, and tell me what you consider to be the 1-2 biggest, or most profound, issues that
    face the industry in the context of having so many stakeholders and interest groups influencing the direction
    of clinical research?
    2. As you think about your own position, and your experiences within the industry, what do you believe are two
    or three skills that GWU should be helping me to develop if I am to one day assume a leadership position in
    the industry similar to your position?
    3. If you could hire me as a consultant (or someone else for that matter) to provide you with data for your
    executive decision making, in what area do you believe we still lack credible data for making decisions within
    the clinical research industry? Where do you think the industry as whole tends to formulate decisions without
    adequate information and data?
    4. As you think about changes that you have observed and trends that are emerging, what do you believe is the
    most profound change underway that could fundamentally affect the way that we do business in the future? Do
    you have recommendations as to how we might deal with these developments?



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