Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and the play No Exit

    Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and the play No Exit

    1) How does Swift’s LOGICAL and DISPASSIONATE TONE make his Proposal all the more HORRIBLE and EFFECTIVE? Be specific as possibleby dealing with each of the for terms and using examples from the essay.

    2) Discuss 3 ways n which the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence and/or the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is (are) neoclassical document(s).

    1) In Keat’s Odes we see the poetic expression of the Romantic sensiility. Discuss “Ode to a Nightingale” and show specifically how it is “romantic”. It may help to contrast the details with the neoclassical mindset.

    1) Sartre’s idea of relationships is that all involve conflict. This is particularly true of the love relationship in which one can play one of thre roles. Name the three possile roles and then show how in the play each of the three characters plays each of te roles. Be sure to give specifics to illustate your ideas. (MASTER, SLAVE, and INDIFFERENT/OUTSIDER)

    2) Using the themes of Existentialism, show how any four of these elements play out in No Exit. Give specifics.


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