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    Thank you Mr. S. You wrote Vision loss is a leadership trend that is common today. It requires change by 2020 because vision is not only what gets you into business it is also what pushes a business and people forward. What else can cause vision loss besides manager restlessness?
    Leadership competencies are leadership skills attributes knowledge and behavior that contribute to good performance. Managers or leaders are all concerned with improving the competencies they need to become more effective leaders. Key leadership competencies define the behaviors expected of leaders. (Brooks 2017)
    Influential skills are a type of key leadership competencies needed by leaders in 2020. A leader should be able to influence others in a positive way and be able to wield power effectively. Influential skills are important because it is able to keep people together and with unity leaders are able to achieve their goal. Integrity and respect are also needed in leaders. This is important because it enables leaders to create respectful and working environment for their employees. (Brannen 2017)
    Vision loss is a leadership trend that is common today. It requires change by 2020 because vision is not only what gets you into business it is also what pushes a business and people forward. At times leaders become restless in chasing their vision. This therefore becomes a problem. With the vision lost leaders devolve into a manager making sure work gets done but no longer acting as a leader. (Winkler 2017)
    Fear of change is one of the leadership changes that are important. People are afraid of change because it is scary. In leaders it becomes scarier if it involves loads of money or even people being fired in order to implement the change. This should change because people who cannot embrace change are destined to be left behind. (Gree 2017)
    Adaptation of the global diversity is an external change that will change leadership. Nowadays most companies embrace globalisation and tend to adopt a global business practise which is good because business leaders will be at a forefront. Employee of 2020 expectation includes the timely and accurate payment of wages safe working conditions full explanation of their job responsibilities and constructive feedback from their supervisor.
    Brooks B. A. (2017 July). Career Transitions: Capitalizing on Your Leadership Competencies. InSigma Theta Tau International’s 28th International Nursing Research Congress. STTI.
    Green M. L. Winkler M. Mink R. Brannen M. L. Bone M. Maa T. … & Turner D. A. (2017). Defining leadership competencies for pediatric critical care fellows: Results of a national needs assessment.Medica

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