Need Help Fast

    Looking for someone to complete this assignment within 8-9 hours. I will be attaching a powerpoint on chapter 5 you must read ( ONLY 15 SLIDES ) and understand very well then once you have done that there will be an attachment of a photo of the assignmnet and what exactly is required every instruction is there. The first part of the assignment  you must read the “Background” and “Current Situation” and then Answer each of the 5 questions in complete sentences. I want each answer to be 100% correct and related to chapter 5 powerpoint topics and information. For the 2nd part of the assignment as you can see from the photo it is a “Role Play” read the situation and what is required, i will be attaching an example of a script done for a role play. I would like the role play that you will create in the same format and depth as the example i provided. DONT COPY THE ATTACHED ROLE PLAY AS THE SAME PROMPT FOR THE ROLE PLAY YOU WILL USE, USE IT AS AN EXAMPLE TO GUIDE YOU AS HOW TO CREATE THE PERFECT ROLE PLAY SCRIPT AND HOW MANY PAGES A GOOD SCRIPT NEEDS.

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