National risk register / Cabinet office

    This assignment is designed to test the following learning outcomes as well as your skills the material explained
    in the classroom:

    1. Employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methods for application to risk assessment
    4. Assess relevant documents and communicate the essential and important points

    You will find on eLearn a document (also available on the internet):
    National risk register

    This assessment is a poster presentation (A2-size = equivalent to 4 pages of A4) based upon your analysis of that

    You must give a critical appraisal/ evaluation of this report.
    This does NOT simply mean a summary of what is in the report. A critique usually means constructive comments as
    well as finding issues with the work (pros and cons) supported by argument.

    1) What was risk assessed and how were risks quantified/qualified
    2) What were the main results
    3) What will be different in practice in response to the risk assessment

    IMPORTANT: You are demonstrating your CRITICAL skills in this assignment. You must identify the salient issues
    in the report and produce a visually appealing presentation that could be displayed. If you simply cut-and-paste
    or drop into monochrome bullet points, then you will not get the higher marks.




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