Narrative Module task-Eleanor Dark’s Return to Coolami

    Narrative Module task-Eleanor Dark’s Return to Coolami

    Assessment 2: Narrative Module task

    Complete the following task in no less than 750 and no more than 850 words. (Please list the total word count either at the top or bottom of your assignment.)

    In weeks 6-8 of the Narrative Module we focussed on three concepts that constitute basic aspects of narratives: story (that which happened),m type, but as a way of understanding how a work of fiction articulates the nature of the society in which it was produced.

    Reflect on the ways in which the narration relates to genre and answer the following question:

    With detailed reference to Eleanor Dark’s Return to Coolami (1936), discuss the ways in which genre is employed in order to engage with one or more of the following issues: gender; marriage; nationality; war; bush/city dichotomy.
    For this assessment, you will need to practice your skills in essay writing. Your response should contain a clear thesis statement in the introduction (which answers the question). Each paragraph should contain a well developed topical point. Direct engagement with the novel and citation is imperative to showing that you have read it carefully!

    You are more than welcome to use the supplementary material (available on vUWS in the Narrative Module Folder) to support the claims you make in your argument. In fact, it’s encouraged – as is any independent scholarly research. However, all secondary knowledge must be accurately cited in your essay.

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