My Role transition from an RN to a BSN-RN -Essay

    1. Students will write an 8-10 page scholarly paper using 5th edition APA format.
    2. discuss the role trensition of an RN to a BSN-RN.
    3.The following concepts are to be included in the text of the paper:
    a Philosopy of nursing as a BSN nurse including the four donains of nursing.(Health, Environment, Person and Nurse)
    b. How thei philosophy relates to future nursing practice within the Holistic Nursing Framework.
    c. Future plans for growth and continuing education. ( I plan to get a master in Nursing, ARNP)
    d. How this philosophy relates to BSN professional obligations inthe health care system including :
    Organizational health care costs.
    Health care access for the patinet or client.
    Care of patients or clients without health care coverage.
    Care of vulnerable populations
    Ongoing professional development at the local, state an federal level.
    4 students are to support the discussion using literature the identifies current critical health care issues or challenges within the health care system. A minimum of 4 nursing journals should be cited.

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