My Goals for this course regarding Time Management

    My Goals for this course regarding Time Management

    When you entered this course, one of the first things you did in the first module was an assignment outlining your own goals regarding time management. Since then, you have considered how you think you use your time, and you have tracked how you actually used your time for a specified period. In addition, you have been reading and discussing time in terms of "defamiliarization" and in terms of "internalization" (and continue in this module to look at alternative ways people manage their time).

    Now it is also time for you to go back and think about your initial goals in light of all the work you have done so far, and to write the first draft of your Major Reflective Essay. In this essay you will:
    1.Address the goals you set out for yourself at the beginning. How can you relate them to what you have learned in the readings and discussions? Have they changed? Have they evolved? Have you begun to flesh them out or make sense of them in new ways?
    2.Discuss what you have learned about yourself in terms of time and how you experience it. For example, you might realize you live more on "clock time" or "event time." Or, you might not have realized how much time you actually spend on a particular activity that you don’t really consider to be a priority. In your other assignments so far, you may have already begun discussing some of these realizations and this learning. This part of the essay will allow you to pull together and synthesize those pieces.
    3.Look ahead: Having thought about all of these things, what do you want to know? What do you want to learn next? Or what should your next steps be for continuing to learn about and experiment with your own time use?


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