My Digital Life

    Question 1.a:

    Previous: TMA 02
    Question 1 (20 marks)
    This question requires you to engage in a discussion on a specific topic in your online tutor-group forum.
    Your tutor will start the thread by posting the details of what you are expected to discuss. Your replies
    should be to that message or to one of the subsequent messages posted by members of your group.
    1. This part of the question requires you to copy and paste two messages from the forum into your answer
    1. Paste a copy of your opening message (which makes your initial point) into your answer document. Make
    sure the copy of the message shows when it was posted and includes all the content. Identify this clearly as
    your opening message.
    2. Paste a copy of one other message you posted in response to another student in your group and which
    demonstrates that you attempted to further the discussion. Again make sure the copy of the message shows when
    it was posted and includes all the content. Identify this clearly as your second message.
    (10 marks)
    2. Explain how the message you included as your answer to part (a)(ii) displays good netiquette. State
    clearly which principles are demonstrated in your message and where they are demonstrated.
    The maximum word limit for Question 1(b) is 150 words.
    (5 marks)
    3. Write a summary of your group’s discussion in complete sentences, identifying some of the key points
    made and any conclusions reached or agreed upon by the group.
    The maximum word limit for Question 1(c) is 200 words.
    (5 marks)
    Guidance notes for Question 1
    Guidance on providing evidence from forum messages by pasting them into your answer is given in the TMA
    guidance [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] area of the TU100 website.
    You will need to plan the days and times when you think you might be engaging in the different stages of this
    activity. You will probably need to amend this plan to take account of when other students post their
    messages. As this is a group activity, your initial contribution will need to be posted early on in the
    allocated time frame to enable others to read and comment on it.
    Marks will also be awarded for how well you engaged with the online activity, whether your messages made
    relevant points, and whether you attempted to develop the discussion and interact with other students. The
    messages you include should demonstrate these aspects, but you do not need to comment on them.



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