Muslim American life after September 11

    Research paper question: Muslim American life after September 11?
    Informations needed in the research
    – Outline & bibliography
    – Primary source photocopies
    – Research notes
    – Secondary source analysis
    – footnotes needed

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    NOTE!!!!!! Total pages of research = 10 pages DOES NOT include bibliography or outline or the four page question answering A to G of primary source and secondary source!!!!!!!!!

    Need in advance :

    secondary resources:
    1) select one of the three secondary resources that is use in the reserach paper This can be a newspaper article, a letter, a cartoon, an advertisement, or any other secondary resource.

    2) write a two page paper answering the following questions

    a) Who wrote or produced your document? When was it produced? Where was it produced?

    b) Who appears to have been the intended audience?

    c) When you look at this source, what seems to be the reason for why it was created—what is its point?

    d) What are the main ideas or arguments the document advances?

    e) Is there a point of view or perspective to the document? What is it?
    f) What are some of the particular words or phrases that stand out to you? Why? What do they indicate

    g) What kinds of questions could this document help you answer?

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    3) need three copies of secondary resources ( book, article, links, or journal)

    Follow the outline to do the research paper:

    Title: Muslim American Life After September 11?
    Islam is the one religion in the world that has faced so many stereotypes than any other religion. This has been caused mostly by Islam extremists who take part in criminal activity such as terrorism and claim that they are doing so for the sake of their religion. One example of this is what Muslims have had to go through since the 9/11 that hit America, leaving thousands dead and several others injured. This led to massive stigmatization of the Muslims who now have to live a life in hiding or in fear. This paper analyzes the lives of some of the Muslims and how they have had to make adjustments to fit into the society.
    Main body
    I. Muslim stigmatization
    • Muslims treated with suspicion at the airport
    • Muslims don’t get employed by non Muslim employers
    • Children facing discrimination at school
    • Religious discrimination turning racial.
    II. The origin of Islamophobia
    • Existence of discrimination since the First World War
    • Reasons why early Americans began to discriminate against Muslims

    III. Understanding Islam as a Religion
    • The values upheld by the Islam religion
    IV. Choosing to live positively
    • Mona Eltahawy chose to stay in America and fight stereotypes against Muslims
    • Linda Sarsour joined an organization that helps Muslims cope with stigmatization
    • Kari Huus – Muslims participating more in politics and other social activities
    • Asma Mangrio organized a forum for Muslims at amusement park
    • Hassan Shilby working at an airport despite maintaining Islam dressing and Mannerism
    V. Conclusion
    • It is important for the government and other stakeholders to participate in activities that will be geared towards eradication of Muslim

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