Museum visit

    Museum visit

    Please read carefully. You are required to visit a major museum or a reputable art museum in your area, select a work of art to discuss and critique in an analytical and historical context. ??Due date: Week 7, Sunday, July 21, before midnight CST. ??Points: Worth 200 points.???Art Criticism?The process of art criticism involves description, formal analysis, interpretation, and value judgment. The first step is to put into words a description of what you see, then formally analyzing the visual elements and principles of design. Next, subjectively interpret (hopefully with new insight) what the content is, taking into account style. Finally, judging, and going beyond prejudging to discernment, the work of art being studied; what do you think the artist’s intentions were? Was this communicated? Does it have value? Can you recognize the aesthetic quality in the work? Additionally, biographical or historical information should be offered. Therefore, education and evaluation help to creatively critique a work of art.??Responses to artworks based on value judgment alone are not necessarily based on comprehension but simple subjectivity. As it states in the book Artforms (2009), “If we close our eyes and minds to new work that is hard to understand, we will miss the opportunity to learn from fresh insights.”??General Requirements?Your paper should be at least 4 pages long, double-spaced, with 1” margins. These pages do not include photos, title page, bibliography, etc. Type size should not exceed 12 points. Your paper should be about 1200 words minimum. Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion. Include the title information in a separate paragraph preceding your discussion of the piece.



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