Museum object analysis

    Museum object analysis

    Shotoku at Two Years, late 13th century,Japanese, Kamakura period, 1185–1333
    Wood (joint wood technique), crystal, pigments
    h. 53.0 cm., w. 20.5 cm., d. 23.0 cm. (20 7/8 x 8 1/16 x 9 1/16 in.)
    Write a paper of minimum 700 words (2 ½ pages typed, double-spaced).

    A thorough description of the object, the artist and date and locate it within its historical period related to its religious and/or socio-political context.
    A paragraph of art-historical analysis of the object related to its medium, style, subject matter, iconography (symbols, content) using aesthetic terms.
    In your essay address whether the object you selected evoked “resonance” or “wonder,” and describe your experience. What about this experience made you decide it was resonance or wonder. Were you changed in anyway by this experience? Please describe in what way. In his essay in Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display, (Ivan Karp Editor), Stephen Greenblatt describes “two distinct models for the exhibition of works of art, one centered on what (he calls) …resonance and the other wonder.
    Resonance, he explains is “…the power of the displayed object to …evoke in the viewer the complex, dynamic cultural forces from which it has emerged.”
    Note: resonance comes from the Latin word which means re-sound. If something resonates with you then in it ‘speaking’ again, or re-sounding and you are able to ‘hear’ its message.
    By wonder (he means,)”…the power of the displayed object to stop the viewer in his or her tracks, to convey an arresting sense of uniqueness, to evoke an exalted attention.

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