
    Students need to write a 700-1000 word on the visit along with reflections on what they experienced and what they saw. The writeup should be in a Word Format along with embedded or linked digital photos (or possibly videos) of some representative samples of the art. (NOTE: It is possible that some museums or galleries do not allow photo-taking per se, and you should always ask permission first before you do. If phototaking is not allowed, ask how one can obtain links to online photos of some of the work you are viewing. At minimum, you may purchase postcards or facsimiles of the art, scan them, and include them in your writeup.)

    The write-up should include the following information tabulated at the front of the work: 1) name of the gallery or museum 2) location 3) type of art shown there 4) name of the artist, or artists, about which you are writing 5) date of visit.

    Next, the writeup should summarize what the artist saying about the purpose and meaning of their art, and/or what others have said about it. This information can be found both in available artist statementsand in books, reviews, articles, etc. available at the gallery or online. The approximate time period in which the artist was, or has been, producing their art should also be mentioned. Include as well whatever relevant biographical information you can find (though biographic details should only be a relatively small portion of your writeup).

    Finally, describe in as technical detail as you can the art you see, including style, colors, form, function, context, design, etc. What kind of effect does the art have on you personally, and why? What kind of impact do you think it has on other viewers, and why? Aside from what others have said or written, what do you think the art means in your own words (NOTE: this is a purely subjective question, but it should be carefully thought out do not simply offer such gratuitous and meaningless comments as it was beautiful, striking, uninteresting, bad, etc. without going into detailed explanation)? Do you think what the artist or others say about the art is valid, and explain why or why not?

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