Multiple Perspectives

    We have seen how changing the context of the story changes the meaning of the story. Let us look at another way to change the original story to expand our understanding of Cinderella’s family. We always hear the Cinderella story from the perspective of the Cinderella character. To highlight and acknowledge multiple perspectives within a family system, use the Cinderella Plot Summary and retell the original Cinderella story twice, from the perspective of two alternative family members. For example, you might tell the story once from the perspective of the stepmother and once from the perspective of the prince. Describe the values and beliefs each character might hold, which would explain how he or she acts in the story.
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    Reflect on and articulate what you learned about acknowledging multiple perspectives, through this exercise.
    How would viewing multiple perspectives affect the way you view the case study with John and Susan?
    Response Guidelines
    Respond to the posts of at least two of your peers, comparing and contrasting the changes in their stories with the changes in your story.
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