1. Each new cell produced by this process will have an identical copy of all
    chromosomes and genes possessed by the parent cell: A) mitosis B) meiosis

    2. During the first division of meiosis, A) chromosomes separate at the centromere
    B) homologous chromosomes separate C) chromosomes become triploid

    3. The number of chromosomes in a human sperm cell is A) 4 B) 8 C) 23 D) 46

    4. In the notation A = normal, a = albino, the genotype AA describes
    A) heterozygous B) homozygous dominant C) homozygous recessive

    5. If two normal parents have an albino child, the genotypes of the parents are
    A) AA x Aa B) Aa x Aa C) Aa x aa D) aa x aa

    6. A father with genotype IAIA and mother with phenotype O would produce children
    with blood type: A) A B) B C) AB D) O

    7. The sequencing of all 3.2 billion nucleotide bases on all human chromosomes
    describes A) genetic engineering B) the human genome project

    8. A change in DNA base sequence from CATAC to CACAC would describe
    A) translation B) replication C) transcription D) mutation

    9. Which of these processes does not occur in the nucleus?
    A) DNA replication B) transcription C) translation

    10. tRNA molecules contain anticodons and carry amino acids to be used in this process:
    A) mutation B) DNA replication C) transcription D) translation

    11. Exchange of genes between maternal and paternal chromosomes before the first
    division of meiosis is caused by
    A) X-linkage B) crossing over C) replication D) cytokinesis

    12. Which is not a subunit of DNA? A) adenine B) guanine C) uracil D) phosphate

    13. A karyotype of an individual with Down syndrome has how many chromosomes?
    A) 3 B) 23 C) 46 D) 47


    14. If a heterozygous male mates with an albino female, what percentage of albino
    children would be expected? A) 0% B) 25% C) 50% D) 75% E) 100%

    15. A father with genotype IAIB and mother with phenotype O could produce children
    with these blood types: A) AB only B) A and B only C) A, B, and AB only
    D) A, B, AB, and O

    16. During DNA replication, an old DNA strand with base sequence ATCTGAGTA
    would serve as a template to form a new complementary strand with the base sequence:

    Here is a list of mRNA codons and their amino acids taken from the chart in your text. Use this information to answer #17 and #18 :

    AAU – asparagine AUC – isoleucine CAA – glutamine CAU – histidine
    CGU – arginine CUU – leucine GAA – glutamate GAU – aspartate
    GCA – alanine GGC – glycine UGU – cysteine

    17. The sequence of amino acids of Arginine-Alanine-Leucine would be coded by this
    sequence of bases on mRNA : A) CGUGCACUU B) GUGCACAA

    18. A sequence of bases on a DNA strand of CTACTTCGT would code for this amino
    acid sequence:
    A) Leucine-Asparagine-Alanine B) Aspartate-Glutamate-Alanine
    C) Glutamine-Cysteine- Histidine D) Leucine-Glutamate-Histidine

    19. In peas, tall (T) is dominant to dwarf (t) and, on a separate chromosome set, purple
    flower (P) is dominant to white flower (p). If Gregor Mendel crosses the genotypes TtPp
    and ttPp, what is the expected ratio of phenotypes in the offspring?

    A) 9/16 tall purple flowered, 3/16 tall white, 3/16 dwarf purple, 1/16 dwarf white
    B) 3/8 tall purple flowered, 1/8 tall white, 3/8 dwarf purple, 1/8 dwarf white
    C) 1/4 tall purple flowered, 1/4 tall white, 1/4 dwarf purple, 1/4 dwarf white
    D) 3/4 tall purple flowered, 1/4 dwarf white

    20. Queen Victoria’s son Leopold had hemophilia, which is caused by a sex-linked
    recessive gene (Xh). Leopold lived to be 31 years old and fathered a normal daughter.
    What is the genotype of his daughter?
    A) XHXH B) XHXh C) XhXh D) XHY
    21. Colorblindness (Xb) is sex-linked and recessive. Blondie is a carrier (XB Xb),
    and her husband Dagwood is colorblind. If their daughter Cookie is also colorblind and marries a normal-vision man, what phenotypes can Cookie expect in her sons?
    A) all normal B) 1/2 colorblind, 1/2 normal C) all colorblind
    SHORT ANSWER. Answer in a few sentences in your own words. Be concise.

    22. Briefly describe one fundamental difference between mitosis and meiosis. What kind of cells does meiosis produce?

    23. Explain how changing one base in DNA can cause sickle-cell anemia. Include in your answer the process “DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein.”

    24. Your friend says to you, “Hey, you are taking biology, what do they mean by genetically engineered food and why might there be a problem with it?” Give good biological answers to your friend’s questions, including a definition or description of what is meant by “genetic engineering”.

    25. John has type B blood. John’s father has type O blood. Mary has type A blood. Both of Mary’s parents have type AB blood.

    a) What is Mary’s genotype?
    b) List all possible blood types (= phenotypes) of John and Mary’s offspring and explain your reasoning. (3 pts).

    26. X-linked Inheritance Problem. Colorblindness is X-linked and recessive. Blondie is normal and not a carrier, but her husband Dagwood is colorblind. Is their daughter Cookie colorblind? Is their son Alexander colorblind? If Cookie marries a colorblind man, what genotypes can she expect in her sons & daughters? Explain your answers.


    27. In 1999, scientists discovered a woolly mammoth that had been frozen in glacial ice for the past 20,000 years. They thawed it very carefully so they could use its DNA to clone a wooly mammoth. It turns out that there wasn’t enough material to work with. But they plan to try again the next time a frozen woolly mammoth comes along.

    Write a short paragraph on the pros and another short paragraph on the cons of cloning an extinct animal.


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