Multicultural Psychology

    Paper instructions:
    For your Signature Assignment in this course, you

    will prepare your “Journey Toward Multiculturalism”

    journal, a report on your own growth as a multicultural

    psychologist. In your report, be sure to address the


    1. Note how your understanding as a multicultural

    psychologist has changed since you took the baseline at

    the beginning of the course. What new points did you

    learn? What surprised you most?

    2. What did you learn about your own cultural

    identity: your values, worldview, communication style,

    and acculturation, if appropriate?

    3. What did you learn about during the course that

    you disagree with, and why?

    4. What would you like to learn more about, and

    how do you plan to continue your journey of

    awareness as a multicultural psychologist?

    5. In your own current or potential work as a

    psychologist, how do you think this course has made a

    difference to you? What is the main takeaway message

    from this course, for you, and perhaps for your

    colleagues or workplace?

    6. Finally, prepare an annotated bibliography of the

    important resources that you discovered in this course.

    Be sure to choose at least two resources from each

    activity topic. For information on annotated


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