MS6010 M5A2 Course Project – Cost Volume Profit Analysis with Capital Budgeting

    Assignment 2: Course ProjectCost-Volume-Profit Analysis with Capital Budgeting
    In this assignment your goal is to use CVP analysis in a presentation of your project to enable a prospective investor to decide if your project is worth investing in. You will apply the concepts of CVP analysis learned in Modules 3 and 4 to the project you selected in Module 2.
    Review the Course Project Guidelines.
    Assignment Overview:
    From the Microsoft Excel worksheet you developed in Modules 3 and 4 create a basic pro forma statement necessary to convince someone to provide the start-up funding of the project and then use this information along with other outside research to create a Microsoft Power Point presentation. The slides of your presentation should be visually appealingonly containing the key points while the speaker notes associated with each slide should provide the essential details.
    Assignment Tasks:
    To create a pro forma statement:
    Submission Details:
    Support your predictions and suggestions with scholarly resources and empirical evidence. Use APA format to cite your sources. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
    Your submission should include the following.
    By Monday March 20 2017 submit the final presentation to the M5 Assignment 2 Dropbox.
    MS6010 Course Project Guidelines
    Your course project will consist of a 1520-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. These slides will help you present your investment idea to the President and CEO of the public company. As such the slides must be well crafted to help convince the leader of the company of the need for the investment the possible risks and potential returns. Remember the slides should outline the key points to be made and not overwhelm the viewer with too many details. You will provide the details in the speaker notes for each slide. The slide presentation must include:
    This slide presentation is due before the end of class on Day 5 of Module 5 and is worth 25% of your course final grade or 250 points. Combined with the other submitted elements of the project the total points allocated to this course project will be 500 points or 50% of your grade. The grading of this project will be extensive to match the percentage of course grade. Make sure you provide substantial work in the creating of this project.
    Breakdown of Course Project Work
    Grading Criteria

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