MS6010 M3A1 Discussion – Cost of Quality

    Assignment 1: DiscussionCost of Quality
    Using Case Study 11.3 in your textbook (pg. 245) take the role of the production manager and prepare a report for the board that either recommends the proposed changes or does not recommend the changes. Support your position with details from the case and also from information from the text or other outside references.
    Make sure your original answer explains the following in your own words:
    Submission Details:
    By Saturday March 4 2017 post your response to the Discussion Area. Through Wednesday March 8 2017 read and respond to at least two other classmates’ posts on at least two different days of the week.
    Write your initial response in 300500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail include citations of all sources where needed according to the APA Style and demonstrate accurate spelling grammar and punctuation. Do the following when responding to your peers:
    Grading Criteria
    ****** VERY IMPORTANT!!!! Please provide 2 questions with answers relating to the discussion/assignment. Please to make sure this is submitted with the assignment requested. *****

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