Movie Review (Writers Choice)

    Use both QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE criteria in your evaluation. (for example in a movie review maybe one of your quantitative criterion is ticket sales and a qualitative criterion is that it’s funny.)

    Write an Argument of evaluation and choose one of the following to review and be the subject of your evaluation:

    A book
    A film
    A video game
    A restaurant
    Television show


    Your audience consists of college-educated Americans.
    The topic must be specific and concrete.
    The Topic must be relevant to you. You the author must have a connection to the topic in some way (develop your ethos).

    Your basic formula(s) will boil down to “X” is a good or bad “Y” because…
    Be sure to justify all claims and support them with good evidence. Your criteria are your warrants so be sure to justify any warrants that are questionable/debatable.
    And, be sure to address conditions of rebuttal fairly, precisely, and thoroughly.
    Key features of an Evaluative argument:

    an evaluative claim makes a judgment about a person, idea, or object
    the criteria by which you will judge your subject are explained and justified
    evidence that the particular subject meets or falls short of the stated criteria is presented and explained (this is where you will get your source information to really help you.)


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