More Human than Human;

    You can (and are encouraged to) use any of the assigned readings. Your grade will be based on your demonstrated understanding of course readings, themes, and lectures, as well as on relevance, accuracy,
    and the quality of writing. This is your opportunity to work with and develop your own ideas. But you should do so in a way that shows your grasp of the texts we have examined throughout the semester.
    Write an essay one of the following prompts.
    Option 2. ?More Human than Human.? That is the title of the final chapter of Infinite Reality. Similarly, Turkle tells us that some owners of ?robot pets? say that their robot is ?better than? a real, live pet (more like a dog than an actual dog?). As we have seen, some maintain that simulations can be equally, if not more ?real? than the objective, shared, physical thing or event. But Sherry Turkle, Wolfgang Sachs, and sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick caution us about collapsing the distinction between the real and the virtual, or
    between the actual and the simulated. What do you think? Is the distinction between real-virtual simply an old-fashioned prejudice? Is there something to be said for authenticity, or originary experience? It has long been believed that ?reality? is external and objective; it existed before me and will exist after me; it ?pushes back,? fixing limits to my will and action. But one of the promises of strong versions of virtual reality is that we need not accept limitation: indeed, technological progress promises unlimited possibility.
    Do you think this is right? Do you think it is a worthwhile goal to pursue?


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