Monitoring and Control discussion questions

    *********** 100-150 WORDS EACH PLEASE. **********
    1. Losing track of your strategic plan will lead to dire consequences for an organization. Explain how this can affect the organization.
    2. Look at this video showing Sam Walton doing the hula on Wall St. after his company hit a certain goal.

    How much fun do you think his associates had with this bet?
    Do you think that the culture set by Sam Walton still exists? What do you think is different?
    3. We have talked several times about internal and external factors that can affect the strategic plan. Internal factors are sometimes easier to control since the company has the ability to affect the internal controls much easier than external controls.
    There are 2 main controls in your reading materials. What are they and give a brief explanation?
    4. Your reading material defines case analysis as
    a method of learning complex strategic management concepts–such as environmental analysis the process of decision making and implementing strategic actions–through placing students in the middle of an actual situation and challenging them to figure out what to do.
    As a part of conducting a case analysis there are 10 factors that can help a student get the most out of the case analysis.
    What are the 10 factors?
    5. According to this chapter there are 5 steps to making case analysis teams more effective.
    While in the course we have had a team assignment almost every week all teams have not been working effectively. There has been dissension negativity and lack of participation.
    What are the 5 steps to making case analysis teams more effective?
    6. In an ideal world a strong culture and effective rewards should be sufficient to ensure that all individuals and subunits work toward the common goals and objectives of the whole organization. However this is not usually the case. Counterproductive behavior can arise because of motivated self-interest lack of a clear understanding of goals and objectives or outright malfeasance.Boundaries and constraintscan serve many useful purposes for organizations including:
    What are the 4 areas that a company can use to enhance culture?
    7. Why is it important to Monitor Your Business Environment and Anticipate Change?

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