Monica Lewinsky

    Monica Lewinsky Is the topic. Take notes on her early life and her scandal with the president and what she did afterwards.
    The Notes Manuscript (100 points): This will contain all of the research material (and then some) needed to write the paper. To create it you need to consult a minimum of six sources, at least three of which you must draw from heavily. All information for this paper must be accessed through the online databases to which the school subscribes.(google scholar,pro quest, and other good sources). For each source, you will create a typed set of notes, starting with a proper MLA citation and containing every quote, paraphrase, fact, or interpretation that you think you might use.(mostly paraphrase)
    Here is a sample entry:
    Standage, Tom. The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph
    and the Nineteenth-Century’s On-Line Pioneers. New York: Walker and
    Co., 1998. Print.

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