Money Growth and Inflation

    Money Growth and Inflation

    Talk about Money Growth and Inflation.

    -Mention the article and then talk about it.
    -Please mention these (the effects of a monetary injection) (the fisher effect) (shoeleather costs) and other materials related to the topic.


    Your general topic should be something involving Macroeconomics. You might wish to go through the table of contents or index of our textbook early in the course and identify a general topic that interests you.(( I Money Growth and Inflation)) .. It might help to examine some issues found in reputable newspapers or other publications. Reading to familiarize yourselves with economic issues might help you develop an interest in a topic.
    After you have selected a topic find one or two articles on that topic. Articles that appear in economic journals are valuable sources of research as they have rich bibliographies. You May also search for articles in periodicals such as Businessweek, The Economist, Fortune, or others. Good newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor are also good sources for current event articles. The basic idea of this exercise is to allow you to read, think and write on this topic. The essays should summarize the articles and relate them to the material learned in class. A suggestion of how to present the papers follows.
    After you have identified your topic of interest and selected the articles you are going to review follow these guidelines. The essays are not research papers. They ask you to read articles related to Macroeconomics, summarize the content of the articles, and link them to the material you have been learning in class.


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