Module 3 SLP 3

    Module 3 – SLP
    Congruence Model of Organizational Behavior
    The Module 3 SLP requires that you enter the same pricing data into the simulation as you did in SLP2. In SLP3 however you will face new entrants into the industry (new competition).
    Go to the Settings page and change the following:
    1) Entry for New Competitors On
    2) Be sure to SAVE your change!
    Now input the SLP3 decisions:
    1) Decision 1: For Years 2008-2012
    a) Pricing Manual
    b) Module Price – $0.13
    c) Revenue to Process Improvement 5%
    d) Years to Advance 5 years
    2) Decision 2: For Years 2013-2017
    a) Pricing Manual
    b) Module Price – $0.11
    c) Revenue to Process Improvement 5%
    d) Years to Advance 5 years
    3) Decision 3: For Years 2018-2022
    a) Pricing Manual
    b) Module Price – $0.09
    c) Revenue to Process Improvement 5%
    d) Years to Advance 5 years
    4) Decision 4: For Years 2023-2025
    a) Pricing Manual
    b) Module Price – $0.08
    c) Revenue to Process Improvement 5%
    d) Years to Advance To end
    Leave the process improvement percentage at 5%. Note that you will now need to monitor the market share and financial performance of new entrants entering the Solar Power industry (see the Settings page for definition of this concept).
    Run the simulation once keeping track of your pricing decisions and the outcome of each decision made (note market share of new entrants profitability etc).
    Keys to the Assignment
    The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered and taken into account in preparing your 5-6 page paper include:
    **** NOTE: The 5-6 page requirement includes written analysis and all supporting tables figures and graphics. However it does not include Cover or Reference page. Be sure to adhere to the TUI Writing Guide for formatting of all papers. If you are unsure how to complete a financial analysis please review the following sample report:
    Gilbert O’Neil Mushure. (2014). Financial analysis report: Malaysia airlines 2007 – 2011. International Journal of Sciences : Basic and Applied Research 14 (2) 148-153.
    Also refer to the following source on business writing:
    OHara C. (2014 November 20). How to improve your business writing. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
    SLP Assignment Expectations
    Your paper will be evaluated based on the Rubric.
    Please note the following tips and suggestions:
    Hints for success!
    Throughout this SLP you will be asked to make business decisions under conditions of incomplete information and uncertainty. To do so you will need to make assumptions based on what you have learned throughout the MBA program about how markets operate. Thus your strategies in approaching this decision need to rely on models financial analysis and theories from such classes as Economics Finance Accounting Marketing Strategy and Quantitative Analysis. In addition the simulation will give you some additional market information as you progress.
    Be sure to explicitly draw on concepts and theories from the courses you have taken throughout the MBA program. That means you need to think like an MBA and use the financial data you are given. You will have to crunch some numbers and present your data analysis professionally by creating some simple tables charts and graphs.
    Module 3 – Background
    Congruence Model of Organizational Behavior
    The background reading for the Casein this module focuses on the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. You will be using this model to complete the case.
    David Nadler is the founder and CEO of Mercer Delta Consulting Group. An internationally recognized expert in organizational change Nadler has written seven books and numerous articles for practicing managers. Michael Tushman is a Full Professor at the Harvard Business School. He has written or edited eight books and is widely published in academic and practitioner journals.
    Required Reading
    Nadler D. A. & Tushman M. L. (1980). A model for diagnosing organizational behavior.Organizational Dynamics9(2) 35-51. doi:10.1016/0090-2616(80)90039-X
    According to the authors Our congruence model of organizational behavior is based on how well components fit together that is the congruence among components; the effectiveness of this model is based on the quality of these fits or congruence. (p.39).
    From the reading you will note that there are four input categories. They are as follows:
    If the link to the article does not work it is probably because your computer does not allow cookies which would let you connect directly to the library. In such a case you will need to connect manually to the appropriate database.
    At the same time you will continue with the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model to assess an organization’s outputs. Nadler and Tushman identify outputs as existing at the individual group and organizational level. They also emphasize the importance of identifying the outputs that the organization desires vs. what is actually achieved.
    Outputs are not complicated to understand. At the Organization level they are the products and services that are provided to its customers. (It can also be the value provided to its owners but we are not going to consider this here.) The primary way that a company measures its performance is financially: Sales Profit Return on Sales (ROS) Return on Assets; and also via market share.
    The organization is made up of various groups. One way to look at groups is by functional area: marketing operations purchasing etc. Another way if the company is large is by its various divisions or by its product groupings. Here it becomes a little more complicated to measure performance but it is possible by defining the goals and objectives of each group.
    The bottom level of the organization is the individual. Each person has a job description and is responsible for specific outputs for that job. The main method of performance measurement here is individual productivity: Outputs/Inputs (e.g. widgets/hour or reports/day). This is more difficult to quantify and for a specific company is difficult to obtain since this data is not generally reported. Sometimes you can infer some individual measures for example by dividing Profit by the number of total employees to get a measure of overall profitability per person.
    Optional Reading
    The following is an interesting updated and highly recommended peer-reviewed journal article relating to organizational diagnosis. Following is the Abstract:
    Using an operational framework thediagnosticfunnel is introduced which prescribes the appropriate actions of a process consultant in conducting anorganizationaldiagnosis. The diagnosticfunnel comprises the four actions of (a) selecting a generaldiagnosticmodel (b) collecting data that minimizes bias (c) analyzing the data to reduce the likelihood of error and (d) deriving a uniquediagnosticparadigm specific to the organization under study. It is argued that the actions described by thediagnosticfunnel will result in a diagnosis that achieves a high level of scientific rigor. To provide a detailed description of thediagnosticfunnel a case example of an organizationaldiagnosis is presented.
    Gregory B. T. Armenakis A. A. Moates K. Albritton M. & Harris S. G. (2007). Achieving scientific rigor in organizational diagnosis: An application of the diagnostic funnel.Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice & Research 59(2) 79-90. Retrieved from
    There are no reading assignments for the SLP
    However if you need a refresher on various theories (product life cycle pricing price elasticity market saturation product development etc.) there are a multitude on the Internet.
    Optional Review Materials
    Once again a small sample of Internet materials that may help you throughout the course can be accessed through the following links:
    This can serve as a complement to previous course materials. You are encouraged to supplement this list if you need additional refreshers.

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