Modern day revolution

    Choose a modern day country by accessing CIA World Factbook online. Become a modern day revolutionary for your country you choose. Research what is going on and decide on reasons for a new government. You will do this by reading various articles on what is going on in the country you chose. Most of these articles will be newspaper articles as well as a little research on the country itself. 3 sources and citations for two quotations or paraphrases. Include cover slide. You will recreate and rewrite the Declaration of Independence in modern day terms picking a modern day country. Slide 1 title of declaration, class name, student name, instructor name and date.
    Slide 2 is an introduction of your declaration on explaining which country you chose and why.
    Slide 3 create your opening passages. This is equivalent to the first paragraph in the declaration. The only passage you are allowed to use is “when in course of Han events”
    Slide 4,5and 6 come up with a minimum of 9 grievance. 3 grievances on a slide making sure they are in bullet form, you will explain each grievance in the note section under each slide give “why” you went with that particular grievance keep in mind, when you are talking about modern day governments you need to take into account the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Talking about present day only.
    Slide 7 closing paragraph use the following words to begin paragraph “We,therefore, the representatives of these”(put country representing here) and the closing for your declaration closely resembling the Declaration of Independence.

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