Modern Christians Orthodoxies,Pietisms, and the Englighment Era on Women

    Essay 1 Instructions
    Please Follow Instructions, No Plagiarism; papers are looked at very closely.
    If you cannot finish the assignment, please don’t accept this assignment. This assignment must be sent back as scheduled and agreed.
    Essay 4 pages in length (typed, double-spaced). You may use any written resources you wish, but attention to the input from class texts and assigned readings, lectures, and discussion. Your goal is to synthesize these diverse materials, each of which highlights certain matters, into your clear and coherent account of a given theme.
    [Citations and quotations, which should be few and brief, should follow school style guidelines, which refer to Turabian-Chicago manual of style formatting.]

    QUESTION: 4- pages
    Teachings and concerns of Reformation-derived orthodoxies, pietisms, and the Enlightenment-era are three chief general matters I’ve highlighted in order to sketch large movements of changing conceptions of “what is Christianity” from the 18th century on. Based on your studies (and with special attention to the books by Malone and Oden), write an essay on women who were influential in and/or influenced by one or another of these three traditions. [Hint: most “modern” Christians combine elements or features from each of these traditions.]

    Please use the following women in Chapter 7 & 8 in Mary T. Malone book
    1.Mary Wollstonecraft-Chapter
    2. Maude Petre
    3. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    4. Sojourner Truth
    5. Marian Age
    Example: you might say: “many Christian women embraced Enlightenment ideals, such as xx, xy, and xz. Therefore in part please show study of “Modern Christian women” in just few well-packed paragraphs by using the women above mention below as ?�case studies” in the paper.

    Books to use
    1. Malone, Mary T. Women and Christianity: From the Reformation to the Twentieth Century. New York: Orbis Books, 2003. ISBN 1570754756 paperback $20.00

    2. Oden, Amy, ed. In Her Words: Women’s Writings in the History of Christian Thought. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. ISBN 0687459729 paperback $20.00
    3. Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, vol. 2: The Reformation to the Present Day, 2ded. New York: Harper One, 2010. ISBN-10:0061855898; ISBN-13: 978-0061855894.paperback $17.58 (Amazon)

    Please note the documents needed was to big to download. Please go to my 4shared account to obtain Essay 1 documents.


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