miss lynn only

    Students will select a single verse from the list of Scripture verses assigned as reading for the first module (excepting 1 Tim 2:4 which may not be chosen since various reading assignments in the course already cover this verse and students may write their Argumentative Essay on this verse).
    This paper should trace the history of the interpretation of this verse noting at least three significant interpretations from assigned course readings and one significant interpretation from readings not assigned for this course. Sources used regularly in this course like the Anchor Bible Commentary and Sacra Pagina will provide students with ample resources to find theologians not listed on the syllabus.
    The essay is due at the end of Module 7. The final version of this paper should be 1500-2100 words (approximately 5-7 pages). Submit your assignment to the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin
    My verse is WIS 11:23-26

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