Military Psychology

    Military Psychology

    I need you to write a response with the essay below (Your comments must make a substantive statement.
    Substantive statements include a discussion of one of the major points of the article, or ask a
    question about an aspect of the article. The comments must be at least 25 words.Statements of just “I agree” or “I disagree” are not substantive. Nor are statements that
    are irrelevant to the material in the article. Your contribution to each forum is due 7 days after
    the corresponding article has been made available.)

    Gruber, Kilcullen, and Iso-Aloha’s study derives around the mental and physical challenges that an elite soldier must endure to be considered for a real time position in units that perform duties in hostile areas that would be extremely challenging for any person. The basis of the study is for not just the study itself but to let the trainee know where and who they really are. The trainees are placed in extreme physical challenges and a lot of times mal nourished creating a very low strength, endurance and stamina level. These challenges also make the mental status more challenging making normal easy decisions on reaction and reality more challenging. This is where the stress, injury and illness is put into jeopardy as well. The mal nourishment could break down the physical and psychological factors that help us survive in challenging situations. The study resulted in the realization that the training is effecting in the preparation of challenging and extreme environments because in mentally they knew they survived this type of environment before so they have more belief they can do it again.




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