Midterm Examination

    EEC 526

    Midterm Examination

    1.   This examination contains four parts. 

    2.   Please take the time to work through and organize your analysis before beginning to write. These questions are intentionally fairly difficult and cannot be answered well without careful thought beforehand. Clarity of thought will be heavily rewarded in grading. MAKE SURE YOU CITE EXAMPLES FROM THE BOOK, AND FROM CLASS.

    3.   You may use materials from the textbook in answering these questions. You may not use new on-line research.

    4.   You should consider yourselves honor-bound not to discuss this exam with any of your classmates until all exams are turned in.

    5.   Read and think about the questions carefully before beginning to write. Be organized; be clear; be succinct.

    6.   Answer the question asked. Knowledge of other information is good, but will not help in answering these questions.

    7.   Email responses are expected by noon Wednesday March 27You will get a response email (not automated) from me letting you know the final has been received.

    8.   Only spend three hours (total) on your answers.


    1. Summarize three arguments against full inclusion and then, for each argument, respond from the point of view of a full inclusion advocate.

    2. Direct instruction was discussed in class, and covered in the book. Identify the major features of direct instruction and describe the benefits of this approach for students with disabilities and for all students in general. 

    3. Define IQ-Achievement discrepancy and list three objections to using it for identifying learning disabilities.

    4. Describe four ways that school counselors and special education teachers can collaborate to serve students with disabilities.

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