Mid WK4

    Process Selection: Product Design and Capacity
    How is process selection related to product design and capacity determination? Your initial post should be 200-250 words.
    Guided Response:Respond to at least two of your classmates posts in a substantive manner. Include examples applications and/or relationships between product and process design. Provide suggestions and alternatives to your classmates.
    Carefully review theDiscussion Forum Grading Rubricfor the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
    Need current example with at least 1 reference
    Monique Food Processing Company and Capacity
    Read Problem 6: The Monique Food Processing Company in Chapter 8 of your text.
    Monique Food Processing Company produces light snacks that can be heated in a microwave. The following steps are included in the process:
    Make and include calculations. Answer questions a through e. Your response should be 200-250 words.
    Need at least 1 reference.
    Guided Response:Respond to at least two of your classmates posts. Some ways could include alternate solutions or calculations and/or by challenging classmates on scenarios of when it is best to add or when it is best to reduce capacity. Include examples.
    Carefully review theDiscussion Forum Grading Rubricfor the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

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