Microeconomics Apple company

    Working title: “Studying Supply and Demand in Mobile Phone Industry”

    The research must focus on:

    1. Linking the Law of Supply and Demand with the case study of mobile phone production industry
    2. Provide a thorough analysis of the depth and breadth of the market globally
    3. Identify and analyse factors affecting supply and demand in the context of the case study
    4. Factors affecting the change of prices in the context of the case study
    5. Factors affecting the labour market in the context of the case study

    *********The topic will be on Apple the company, please mention the case on suicide and how it is cheaper to hire people rather than hiring robots to do the job. Also that it is so sad to see people committing suicide in the factory because they are being paid very cheap on an item that they are making which is making billions and billions for the company*******

    The students are required to go beyond the teaching material and explore the topic through the theory as well as the case study.

    Length of the assignment
    2000 words
    Using you’re the global mobile phone industry as a case study, answer one of the following questions:
    1- Discuss supply and demand and how they affect fluctuating prices in the market, and discuss how fluctuating markets affect individuals.

    2- Talk about how the labor market affects supply and demand, and the price of manufactured items.
    The indicative length for the essay is exclusive of title, footnotes (MUST USE FOOTNOTES), bibliography, references, and appendices. The deadline for electronic submission on the BB is the 22nd of November and a hard copy MUST be submitted on the following lecture – proof of submission as well as a copy of the answer should be kept. Students will be graded upon the analytical
    Structure of the assignment

    Any academic piece of writing must have a clear structure. The required formatting for this course is as it follows:

    I. Introduction (introduction of the topic, and the rational for choosing the topic)
    II. Literature review
    III. Analysis (it is recommended to have relevant sub-headings for this section)
    IV. Conclusion (it is required to have a clear, strong and punchy conclusion)
    V. Bibliography

    Any student who so wishes may submit an outline of his or her paper for feedback purposes only.

    Sources used for the essay
    AT LEAST half of the sources used for the essay must be academic sources. An academic source is either a book, or an academic journal article.
    Sources can be repeated but ten out twenty must be used
    Given the length of this research project, the students are expected to have used and cited minimum 20 sources out of which at least 10 sources MUST be academic literature. The only accepted style of citation is Chicago style in footnotes (please see https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html )

    The papers MUST contain a bibliography and you must have a minimum of three source materials for every page of text (roughly about one source for every 100 words of text).
    An essay without citation is a fail.

    Academic dishonesty
    Plagiarism is a very serious offence within the academic community, and will not be tolerated under any circumstances in this class. Using crib notes during exams or copying material from other sources, students, periodicals books, etc. – without proper acknowledgment is cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an F for the course and further disciplinary action. If you have any question about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please speak to your tutor.

    The Core Marking Criteria for the assignment

    1. The depth of introduction of the case study
    2. The successful application of the theory to case study
    3. Use of academic sources
    4. Analysis
    5. Conclusion
    6. Citation and bibliography

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