MGT 506 SLP 3
There have been many studies completed on the different styles of leadership. One of the most important ones focused on if a leader is "task focused" or "relationship focused."
For this SLP, you will complete a short survey and then analyze your results.
Required Reading
Refer to the required and optional readings on leadership style found in the Background readings.
Session Long Project
Drawing on the material in the background readings and doing additional research, please prepare a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following question:
Are you a Type A or Type B leader? What strengths do you have as this kind of leader? What are the weaknesses? Give examples from your experience to illustrate.
Survey instructions
Take the following task vs. relationship leadership survey. After you have completed the survey, add up your scores for tables 1 and 2 to determine your dominant leadership style. To determine your dominant personal leadership style, circle one of the following options that best describes how you see yourself (or the person that is being evaluated) regarding each statement. For each statement, you can indicate the degree to which you (or the person being evaluated) engage(s) in the stated behavior. A rating of 1 means Never and a rating of 5 means Always with the person demonstrating the specific behavior.
Table 1 – “A” Style and Orientation