MGT 325-A person who is injured in a motor vehicle accident

    MGT 325-A person who is injured in a motor vehicle accident

    True or False Questions.

    ??1. A person who is injured in a motor vehicle accident can file suit against the other driver in the Nevada Supreme Court.

    2. A basis of jurisdiction in the Federal judicial system is that the case involves citizens of two different states.

    3. A person who wants to file an ordinary civil lawsuit in the Federal judicial system against a citizen of another state can do so no matter what amount of damages is sought

    4. If a state official unlawfully deprives a person of his Constitutional civil rights by falsely arresting the person, the victim can file his or her suit only in the Federal Courts.

    5. A state legislature can enact a law in an area covered by a Federal safety law even if the state law offers greater protections.

    6. A state legislature can enacy a law which makes it easier and cheaper for local businesses to conduct business than for out-of-state businesses.

    7. A california court has jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit between two Reno residents involving the ownership of land in Washoe County.

    8. A California court has jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit between a Reno resident and a California resident involving the ownership of land in Washoe County.

    9. A California Court has jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit between a Reno resident and a California resident involving the ownershup of an airplane sold by Reno resident to the California resident.


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