Mental Health and the Law


    ***Watch 2 movies: Primal Fear (featuring Richard Gere), and Nuts (featuring Barbara Streisand)***

    ? Think critically about issues related to relevant legal doctrines by addressing issues presented in the two movies
    ? Evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of the “treatments” or intervention in each case
    ? Introduce characters (include significant quotes)
    ? State similarities and differences between characters and their situations
    ? List the major mental health laws we learned and apply them to the cases in the movies
    ? Diagnosis main characters with mental illness(es) based on present symptoms and backed by research sources
    ? Apply theories of causation (2+ but one must be psychoanalytic) to characters
    ? State what you think should be done based on mental illness(es) and research related to efficacy of outcome for the 2 cases
    ? Present 5 studies throughout the paper that were used to support the content and reference them
    ? APA formatting:
    ? Title page
    ? Abstract
    ? Running head
    ? References
    ? In-text citations
    ? Guidelines:
    ? You may use topic headings
    ? An estimate of the length is about 15 pages but there is no required length as long as it answers the questions asked
    ? The focus of this paper is on laws related to mental health

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