mens risk taking and consumption

    Develop a research proposal that addresses the issue of men's risk taking and consumption – Key questions: What barriers are there for medical access services / why are men reluctant to seek help? Why are men more likely to engage in risky behavior than women? What does it mean for certain kinds of consumption and other potentially harmful activities to be understood as inherently masculine? – To look at how cultural ideals of masculinity can impact men's help-seeking and risk-taking behavior; to examine the ways in which ideals of stoicism and 'proving manhood' may have detrimental effects on men; to consider contemporary responses to these issues and evaluate their effectiveness. The project should consist of risk taking and consumption

    o Background: where you describe the issue / problem / situation that requires addressing
    o Aims and Objectives: What you hope to achieve by addressing the issue / problem / situation
    o Theoretical Approach: The theory behind your methods
    o Method: How you intend to carry out your project
    o Social / Community Benefit of this Project: What benefits will be achieved if this project is successfully completed
    making sure it covers 
    – Evidence of thorough research that enables the student to fully provide background, theoretical position, and support methodological choices . Wide reading of at least 7 scholarly articles / chapters.
    – Clear articulation of the objectives and how these build on or complement existing knowledge / evidence
    – The theory behind your methods as well as a clear articulation of how masculinity will be theorised.

    • Richard O. de Visser & Jonathan A. Smith (2007) Alcohol consumption and masculine identity among young men, Psychology & Health, 22: 5, 595-614
    • Courtney, William. (2009). "Theorising Masculinity and Men's Health" in A.Broom and P. Tovey's Men's Health: Body, Identity and Social Context (9-26). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 
    • Alston, M. (2012). Rural male suicide in Australia. Social Science & Medicine, 74 (4), 515-522. Cordier, R., & Wilson, NJ (2014). Mentoring at Men's Sheds: an international survey on a community approach to health and well-being. Health & Social Care in the Community, 22 (3), 249-258. 
    • Evans, J., Frank, B., Oliffe, JL, & Gregory, D. (2011). Health, Illness, Men and Masculinities (HIMM): A theoretical framework for understanding men and their health. JMHG, 8 (1), 7-15. • Gough, B. (2007). 'Real Men Do not Diet': An Analysis of Contemporary Newspaper Representations of Men, Food and Health. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 64 (2), 326-337. • Kierans, C., Robertson, S., & Mair, M. (2007). Formal health services in informal settings: findings from the Preston Men's Health Project. JMHG, 4 (4), 440-447. • Laurendeau, J. (2014). "Just tape it up for me, okay?": Masculinities, injury and embodied emotion. Emotion, Space and Society, 12 (0), 11-17. HIMM): A theoretical framework for understanding men and their health. JMHG, 8(1), 7-15. 

    • Mac an Ghaill, M., & Haywood, C. (2012). Understanding boys': Thinking through boys, masculinity and suicide. Social Science & Medicine, 74 (4), 482-489. 
    • Mahalik, JR, Burns, SM, & Syzdek, M. (2007). Masculinity and perceived normative health behaviors as predictors of men's health behaviors. Social Science & Medicine, 64, 2201-2209. 
    • Mahalik, JR, Good, GE, & Englar-Carlson, M. (2010). Masculinity Scripts, Presenting Concerns, and Help Seeking: Implications for Practice and Training. In SR Harper & F. Harris (Eds.), College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice (pp. 77-96). San Fransico, CA: Jossey-Bass. 
    • Marshall, BL (2007). Climacteric Redux ?: (Re) medicalizing the Male Menopause. Men and Masculinities, 9 (4), 509-529. 
    • Norman, ME (2011). Embodying the Double-Bind of Masculinity: Young Men and Discourses of Normalcy, Health, Heterosexuality, and Individualism. Men and Masculinities. 
    • O'Brien, R., Hunt, K., & Hart, G. (2005). 'It's caveman stuff, but that's to a certain extent how guys still operate': men's accounts of masculinity and help seeking. Social Science & Medicine, 61 (3), 503-516. • Oliffe, J. (2009). Health Behaviors, Prostate Cancer, and Masculinities: A Life Course Perspective. Men and Masculinities, 11 (3), seeking. Social Science & Medicine, 61(3), 503-516. 

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