Meeting the Millennium Goals

    As your country?s leader, you are tasked with composing a policy paper, a country position briefing, that focuses on your country (that you choose and determined during class discussion) and reflects the point of view of your country by providing a country-specific perspective based on the following theme: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals by 2015: Progress and Ongoing Needs and Post-2015. The policy paper should involve the background of the issue, an analysis, and specific recommendations for action. Country position briefings should be approximately six to eight pages in length.

    For topic inspiration, please refer to our textbook, apps like Flipboard, or LibraryPressDisplay through the Lynn Library site at the following address,

    Sources for this analysis should include your textbook, the UNDP, current articles gathered from newspapers (please refer to LibraryPressDisplay through the Lynn Library site at the following address,, at least three scholarly journal sources, and you may choose to interview someone from the country or region in consideration. Prior to your interviews, we will discuss interview techniques and questions in class. Please refer to The Chicago Manual of Style for proper citation, footnotes and bibliography format.

    My country is Netherlands> This paper must be about the millennium goals set by netherlands and wether they have achieved them or not


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